Winter break: Brickendon will be closed to day visitors from , reopening on . Accommodation guests are still welcome during this time.

Draught Horse Collar

A collection of old metal gate hinges leaning on the brick wall of the Blacksmiths shop. Some of the hinges have metal bolts in them. Photo: Kate von Stieglitz / Tourism Australia.

This leather collar was designed to allow straps to be attached to a draught horse comfortably so they could be hitched to a wagon or plough.

The Archer’s horses would have been all too familiar with such collars. On Thursday 15th October 1829 William recorded that he “Sold Rattler and Spanker to Mr. Reiby”.

Draught Horse Collar. Source: Book of the Farm Vol. I, Henry Stephens, 1855, p156.
Draught Horse Collar. (Source: Book of the Farm Vol. I, Henry Stephens, 1855, p156)