Winter break: Brickendon will be closed to day visitors from , reopening on . Accommodation guests are still welcome during this time.

An anvil was used by the blacksmith to forge and shape metal. Most work is done on the top or face, which is flat. The horn is conical which helps when needing to create round works.

Blacksmiths were critical to operations at Brickendon. Skilled convicts McJames and Jenks made and repaired items such as horseshoes, irons for the wagons, rivets, nails, wheat hoes, forks, yokes, and chains.

In just a few days in August 1829, William Archer recorded the many smithing tasks undertaken by the convict pair:

  • Friday 14th August 1829, McJames and Jenks finished the four new harrows and couplings
  • Saturday 15th August 1829, McJames and Jenks — made 3 pair of strong new Bows for us
  • Tuesday 18th August 1829, McJames and Jenks: Altering the wheels of a wheelplow & repairing a strained nondray plow